This section has been designed as a quick reference section for the menus and floating palettes.
The PriceIt Menu
The options on the PriceIt menu are reasonably self-explanatory. Many of the options will be greyed-out initially until they become relevant. For instance you will not be able to mark a field until a record key has been marked. Don't worry though, much of this will be revealed as you work through the demo.
The Markup Palette
The floating markup palette is your one stop location for performing the markup operation in PriceIt. It also provides a useful reference point for viewing the currently defined fields. All the options on the Markup Palette are also available via the PriceIt menu.
The Edit Palette
The Edit Palette provides visual confirmation of markups that have been applied to your document. By simply clicking on a marked (underlined) item, the edit palette will display all the relevant information about that item, including its Internal Sequence Number and field name. It also gives the facility to edit the data content of that item thus ensuring the integrity of the markup.